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Lawmaker breaks down governor’s plan to replace Idaho’s aging schools

A tour of Pioneer Elementary School in Salmon is what prompted this bill. Gov. Little and his staff, along with Representatives Furniss, Jerald Raymond, Sen. Van Burtenshaw, administrators and others toured the building in September.

During the State of the State address, Little told legislators he visited a school in Salmon — Pioneer Elementary — that had sewage leaking into a space under the school cafeteria. It’s time, Little said, to stop kicking the can down the road.

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Lunation . Lunation .

Bill proposes cutting library district terms from six years to four

Libraries have become political battlegrounds nationwide over materials available on the shelves, particularly for teens and children. Some conservative groups have sought to have certain books either removed from libraries, moved to the adult section, or only available behind the counter.

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Lunation . Lunation .

OPINION: Open letter to Idaho GOP chair Dorothy Moon

I apprI appreciate your willingness to volunteer to be the Idaho GOP Chairwoman, but I was disappointed you chose to express your personal opinion of opposition to Article V written under your title as the Chair of the Idaho Republican Party.

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Lunation . Lunation .

Idaho Republican Party targets ballot initiatives, Section 8 vouchers in resolutions

The party adopted the resolutions, which are statements on policy preferences for the Legislature, earlier this month at its winter meeting. Dorothy Moon, who chairs the state Republican Party, announced the resolutions at the Idaho Capitol on Monday, the first day of the legislative session. Here are some of the most notable changes the state party is pushing for.

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Lunation . Lunation .

OPINION: Idaho GOP's Presidential Caucus confusion

Republicans in Idaho won't be able to cast votes for presidential candidates in next year’s presidential primary as we have in the past. Rather than the traditional means where people go to the polls on election day or cast their votes by early or absentee voting, this caucus-style election will be run by state party leaders on Saturday, March 2, meaning voters must show up in a specific location at a specific time, with specific instructions on how to vote.

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Lunation . Lunation .

It’s Dorothy Moon’s private party so butt out

Don’t think Idaho Republican Party Chairperson Dorothy Moon will quit just because Secretary of State Phil McGrane thwarted her plans to further suppress who can vote in the state’s closed GOP primary.

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